Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Works: The First Kiss(2)

She is beautiful!
I Know not who she is, but this feeling escapes description.
She is no substitute for my FIRST…but she was never meant to be.
Heart of my own heart, she is my very lifeblood.
Even before I met her, I knew her. Her deepest memory etched beneath my very skin.
A lingering memory of her and all those before her now also ingrained in me.
I will never have to prove myself before her…but I would certainly relish the chance to do just that.

It’s criminal that something this great is free.
She is not of my own choosing; she’s Heaven sent.
She will find glory in my innocence and ignorance, and she will draw hope where I only glean despair.
Her touch will always be welcoming, a soothing balm for any malady.
Nestled so close to her, breathing in her scent – as pure as earth’s essence,
All fears vanish, my joy is complete.

She runs a hand through my hair; each stroke of each lock imparts a sweet little jolt.
Instinct has already taught me to loathe helplessness, ...
but her kiss reassures me that I can let my guard down, that I can trust her; that she will not hurt me.
To only she who could ever understand me so completely, to whom I owe an eternal debt,
I pledge my heart, come what may, to honor, love and edify.

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